Health and Safety Protocols in Continuing Education Classes

Delta School District has put in place a number of riskcontrol measures for the prevention of various communicable diseases.  The following guidelines are based on these measures.

  • Anyone who is feeling sick or is required to self-isolate should not attend class.
  • Please respect the concerns of your classmates regarding personal space and follow any protocols specific to the class you attend.
  • Practice good respiratory etiquette at District facilities: cough or sneeze into an elbow sleeve or a tissue, avoid touching face with unwashed hands, and refrain from sharing food, drinks, supplies, or utensils.
  • Familiarize yourself with the locations of washrooms, handwashing stations, sanitizers, and garbage/ recycling receptacles at the facility.

Find details of Delta School District’s Communicable Disease Prevention Plan, along with updates, provincial guidelines, and useful resources.