Be personally prepared for a community emergency

Although natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods cannot be prevented, you can mitigate the effects of such events through preparation. Individuals and families that are prepared before a disaster strikes are more likely to cope effectively during the event and recover faster after the event.

The Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Program (NEPP), which begins next on APRIL 3 in North Delta, teaches you how to become prepared for a minimum of 72 hours following a disaster and how to plan as a neighbourhood to respond safely and effectively as organized teams during a disaster.

NEPP is presented in cooperation with Delta Police, Delta Fire & Emergency Services, the City of Delta, and Delta School District, with instructors from Delta Fire Department, Delta Police, and Emergency Support Services.   The program teaches preparedness skills that can be put to use in your home, neighbourhood, workplace, school, and community.

More details about this 6-session course.