Language Challenge Exams application deadline

Delta Secondary School (Ladner) 4615 - 51st Street, Ladner, BC, Canada

The deadline for applications to the 2023/2024 Language Challenge Exams is November 3, 2023..  This is the deadline for students – schools still have another two weeks after that to get the applications to us. Exams will take place on Saturday, January 27th and Sunday, January 28th, 2024.  Learn more.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day commemorates and honours Canadian veterans who sacrificed themselves in the name of freedom.

Information Session: E.C.E. ASSISTANT Certificate

This program is specifically designed to meet the needs of those wanting to obtain an Early Childhood Educator Assistant Certificate while ensuring that they receive a more thorough grounding in Early Childhood Education than just the required single course of training. This Information Meeting will be presented on-line via Zoom video conferencing.  All registrants will... Read more »

Barney Bentall And The Cariboo Express at Genesis Theatre

Genesis Theatre 5005 - 45th Avenue, Ladner, BC, Canada

There’s over a decade’s worth of memories to celebrate for Barney Bentall and The Cariboo Express; the annual variety show has become a favorite event in Western Canada, building a tradition and warming the hearts of all ages of audiences while contributing to worthwhile causes.  


Free Information Session: POST-BASIC E.C.E. PROGRAM

This free session will provide you with information about Delta post-basic E.C.E. courses leading to the Delta ECE Diploma, the two specializations, and practicum opportunities. Information Meetings will be presented on-line via Zoom video conferencing.  Please pre-register.  All registrants will be e-mailed a Zoom meeting invitation prior to their session. ECE002-2      Tuesday, November 28, 6:30... Read more »

JILL BARBER at Genesis Theatre

Genesis Theatre 5005 - 45th Avenue, Ladner, BC, Canada

Jill Barber is a 3-time Juno Award nominated singer-songwriter with a voice once heard, never forgotten.  Her critically-acclaimed repertoire spans the spectrum from folk, to vocal jazz, to pop, and includes songs in both French and English. TICKETS:  $55.  Purchase ON-LINE.


Brass Wind and Wire Christmas Concert

Genesis Theatre 5005 - 45th Avenue, Ladner, BC, Canada

Brass, Wind & Wire is an adult community band comprised of musicians of all ages who congregate under the direction of an instructor to enhance their playing and performing skills with concert band instruments.

WILL’S JAMS Live: Family Concert

Genesis Theatre 5005 - 45th Avenue, Ladner, BC, Canada

Will Stroet of Will's Jams is a JUNO-nominated musician, nationally recognized educator, and former CBC Kids TV star. His high-energy rock-pop music in English and French is full of witty wordplay and sing-along choruses, inspiring kids to be active, creative, caring, and community-minded.


Free Information Session: POST-BASIC E.C.E. PROGRAM

This free session will provide you with information about Delta post-basic E.C.E. courses leading to the Delta ECE Diploma, the two specializations, and practicum opportunities. Please pre-register.  ON-LINE ZOOM Information Meetings will be presented on-line via Zoom video conferencing.  Please pre-register for the date of your choice.  All registrants will be e-mailed a Zoom meeting... Read more »